I am currently a first-year PhD student at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, supervised by Prof. Shiqi Yu. Before that, I received a Master of Research degree from the University of Liverpool, supervised by Prof. Jimin Xiao, in 2022. I received my B. Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Nanchang University in 2020.

My research interests include medical imaging analysis, bioinformatics and few-shot learning.

🔥 News

  • 2024.06:  🎉🎉 One papers are accepted by MICCAI 2024!

📝 Publications

  • Gait Patterns as Biomarkers: A Video-Based Approach for Classifying Scoliosis

    Zirui Zhou, Junhao Liang, Zizhao Peng, Chao Fan, Fengwei An, Shiqi Yu

    International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2024

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